Support Us

If you want to know how to support Onward Theatre, you're in the right place.


If our mission resonates with you, consider backing us with a donation. Every contribution, big or small, has helped us open our doors and create a space that’s as vibrant and welcoming as the performances it hosts. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, your donations are tax-deductible, and since we're registered in the State of Georgia, you’re also supporting local arts and culture. Your generosity fuels our future and allows us to continue bringing diverse, engaging, and undeniably fun theatre to our community.


If you want to help us build Onward, we need all the hands-on help we can get!

This is a great opportunity to join a growing comedy theater community and help us with producing shows like Edgewood Avenue, Drunk Black History, and EPIC Rap Battles of HERstory.

We are building a strong, inclusive community where everyone gets to be a part of the magic. And we want YOU to jump on board! If you have a special skill you're eager to help support us with, please let us know by filling out our volunteer survey to receive updates for opportunities.


The easiest way to help us grow is to follow our socials. We're on Facebook and Instagram, and you can sign up for our email list below. We promise only to send you the good stuff – updates on our latest shows, classes, and all the exciting things we're cooking up for the future. No spam, just the essentials to keep you in the loop.


Spread the word! Please take a look at our event schedule for all upcoming shows. If you see one you like, invite a friend. Or a date! Either way it'll be an awesome night.

We want to hear from you. Do you have ideas for us? Or just want to get in touch, email and let us know!

Get Involved & Donate Today!